Bernie caused more harm to the Democrat Party, by being authentic, than many thought to be the case. There is the fear that he harmed the Party's future enrollment.

PoliticoBy many measures, the Bernie Sanders revolution proved a smashing success. Young people registered to vote, and small donors opened their wallets. Economic issues like the minimum wage and student debt were pushed to the forefront of the presidential debate. From big city rallies to the backwaters of precinct-level elections, the progressive movement breathes new life in no small part due to the Vermont senator.  But nearly a year after Sanders’ presidential run fell short, one thing is missing in the afterglow — a reliable string of victories at the ballot box.

Editor's notes:  More than the victories,  the Democrat Party has no soul,  no personality.  And if Trump is [even] mildly successful in creating jobs,  bringing in overseas investments, and setting this nation as the leader of the free world  (something Progressives care little about),  he will win re-election.  

Say what you will about Bernie,  he was authentic until he capitulated to Hillary.  And his followers were and are deeply disappointed.  A significant percentage of these evolving adults will stay away from the fraud that is the Democrat Leadership of today. 

And what happens after Trump?  I can tell you this:  if the Susan Collins and John McCains of the world are successful in stopping the Trump agenda,  folks like me will walk away from the GOP in droves   . . . .  and that is exactly what I think will happen.   Just know this:  Trump and millions of folks like me,  will blame McCain and the Anti-Trump crowd for the failure to provide tax reform and healthcare reform.  The Status quo will not get its party back as they hope. 

Conclusion:  The future looks bleak for the Democrats but then comes the disaster within the GOP,  after Trump.  Conservatives are done with Collins and McCain.  Of course,  these two and a few of the older leadership will be gone, 8 years from now,  so there is a little hope.  

On second thought,  maybe the GOP will survive as a Conservative Power.    But the Democrats,  well,  they have become openly subversive to this country, its symbols,  its God,  and its foundational documents.  And the generation of voters that don't give a care about any of this,  the Millennials,  are quickly becoming the older generation.  In America,  history tells us there are few old Communist.  The clock is ticking;  generational change (time consuming as it is) is in the works,  and its effect will be more slowly effective within the Progressive/Socialist Party than in the GOP.  That generation is already on the march.  Maybe the GOP has a chance,  after all. 


  1. Bleak aye?

    1. I forgot, You still believe in "polling science" after all 50 or 60 polls but two a massive 2016 victory in both individual polls and generic polls.

      I believe in test-tube and repeatable experimental science and NOTHING more. The Big Bang is neither. Evolution of all species larger than a centimeter is not science as I have defined science. Men becoming women is certainly not included. And polling science has such a pathetic track record that I am surprised that you have reason to believe in such.
