Appeals Court denies request Administration's request to reverse a federal court decision against America's desire to control its borders.

Appeals court rejects Trump administration's request to restore travel ban  —  A federal appeals court early Sunday rejected the Department of Justice's (DOJ) request to restore President Trump's travel ban on immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries.   

Notes:  This entire ordeal was a perfect storm against the Administration.  The West Coast courts, including Washington State and the Ninth Circuit in San Fransisco or hopelessly activist courts.  

The fact that the lawsuit against the Administration originated in Washington State,  meant that, up to this point in time,  the Administration's executive order would be adjudicated on the West Coast.  

Understand that there remains the possibility that the Executive Order, itself,  was poorly written,  from a legal point of view, however. 

What happens next?  This either goes to the Supreme Court,  or President Trump reissues the Executive Order,  written in more carefully stated legal language,  if,  indeed,  that is more the problem than the activism of our West Coast courts.

The decision,  from this Review's point of view,  demonstrates just how damaging our activist courts have become.  Twenty years ago, Trump's executive order would have remained with no successful challenge.  You simple cannot read the legal code,  (section 1182) and disagree  . . . . . .  which reads: 

"Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. "

Understand that from 1925 to 1965,  immigration into this country was at a virtual stand still, per Federal policy.  

If the problem with the executive order is not in the wording of the document,  the Common-ist driven Progressive, anti-border, One Worlders have won a huge battle that may take years to correct.  To think that we,  as a nation,  have no legal control over our borders is preposterous.  

On the positive side,  this may convince the GOP to go nuclear with their current Supreme Court nominee.  Clearly,  the Dems think they now have reason to oppose Judge Gorsuch.  The GOP stands positioned to make a dent in the commun-ist drive progressivism of the Readicalized Left and they need to take this opportunity much more seriously than they have,  in the past.  

More than this,  the good news is that there is usually a legal way around a legal decision,  within the bounds of law.  Barack simply ignored such decisions, or tried to.  Don't forget that a ban on his executive order, from the 5th District is still in effect.  That order would have allowed nearly 5 million outsiders into this country.  

 Now you know.   


  1. Statements from the Universities I work at:
    "Be it resolved, that we, the Faculty of the College of the University of the South, encourage this institution to condemn, and when necessary, resist the White House executive orders on immigration and refugee policy issued on January 25, 27 and 30, 2017 and any other such policies singling out individuals based upon immigration status or any other category identified in our diversity statement. These policies betray the values and founding principles of Sewanee and all that we hold dear. We encourage the University of the South to reject, in word and deed, federal policies that require of us intolerance of our neighbor and the turning of our backs on people fleeing violence or seeking opportunity." - Office of the Dean, University of the South

    A statement in support of our students with asylum status and scholar-researchers now at MTSU from the banned countries.: "MTSU is proud to be a destination for students, faculty and scholars from around the world, many of whom are grappling with feelings of uncertainty and apprehension ... It is my hope we remember that Respect for Diversity is embedded in our core University values and is integral to our mission as a public university." -- MTSU President, Sidney McPhee

    Trump, Smithson, Putin, and the rest = wrong side of history.

    1. I am on the wrong side of law and order. I am on the wrong side of a commun-ist conspiracy to take this country and its wealth into the third world just to teach us white folks . . . . you know, your kin folk . . . . . You are part of the problem. You live off the state, call yourself a "teacher,' and are more dangerous to this society than the Putin you pretend to hate. What a useless joke.

  2. If you are honest, you will recognize the courts ruled numerous times against Obama. Can you imagine Obama acting like a petulant child and disparaging a judge because he was Mexican or calling him a 'so-called judge'? That is the difference. A man who respects and understands American institutions and a fragile snowflake who demands to be worshipped.

    People that know Trump best say that his fragile ego will not survive this presidency. Stern, who has known him 25 yrs said, "I personally wish that he had never run, I told him that, because I actually think this is something that is gonna be detrimental to his mental health too, because, he wants to be liked, he wants to be loved, he wants people to cheer for him. I don't think it's going to be a healthy experience. His ego is too fragile. ... And I remember him being very--I mean he was pro-abortion. So the new Donald Trump kind of surprised me."

    Trump isn't religious or pro-life. He just panders to those who will cheer him, support him. ... like Putin, dumb evangelicals, Wall St., deregulators, oil company polluters. He doesn't really care, he just wants to be applauded and he'll sign everything they hand him.

    1. "The image of having the members of one branch of government [the Congress] standing up, literally surrounding the Supreme Court, cheering and hollering, while the court, according to the requirements of protocol, has to sit there expressionless, I think is very troubling." ~ Chief Justice Roberts.

      So take your fake horror at Trump's criticism and sell to the Wa?Post or CNN.

      Barack lost 53% of his court cases with the High Court, so you are right about him being a loser.

      The rest of your comment is pejorative crap and nothing more.

  3. You'll see, the backlash will come. It may take a year, 2 yrs, 4 yrs but it will come and I'm just hope you're alive to see it. You see it in America's unprecedented protests, you see it in statements from colleges and civic organizations, you see it in Trump's historically low approval compared to othr presidents, hell... you even see it in superbowl commercials. It's coming. You can't stop it.

    1. If Trump honors his promises, unlike Obama, he will be unbeatable. The demonstrations are hardly historic. They are organized, paid for by Soros.
