Carson nails the Marxist Media. Their attempts to turn it back on him fail, miserably.

After listening to this exchange,  I would love to see the press compare Carson's transcripts with Obama's. 


  1. yes, it really is inappropriate for underachieving politicians like GW Bush and Palin to have their academic records sealed, I agree.

    1. There has never been a question about Palin's college recordds and GW Bush's transcripts have been open knowledge since they were leaked in 1999.

      Like I said - let's compare the black man Obama to the black man Carson. What are you all afraid of?

      Here is a list of unanswered questions about Obama:

      2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) — not found, not released
      3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed
      4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed
      5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
      6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
      7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii) — not released
      8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
      9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released. (These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
      10) Columbia College records — not released
      11) Columbia senior thesis — not released
      12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)

      14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
      15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
      16) Obama’s medical records — not released
      17) Obama’s passport records — not released

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I do not accept "facts" pushed by Yahoo News. As far as Ben Carson's "lies," no arguments will be accepted until the Left deals with the hundreds of lies told by Barack Obama.

  3. Show me Palin's transcripts

    1. Show me yours. But, like I said, I am not aware of any complaint about Palin's transcript.

  4. If neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson really believes that somebody with zero governing experience is qualified to be president, he must first let someone with zero medical training operate on his brain.

    1. You sure as hell didn't care about experience when Obama ran for office, and sadly, he still has no clue. Let's compare transcripts , Obama v Carson, and see who is the smartest.
