A word of caution from Shep Smith, news boy at Fox News. (a great commentary, btw)

I am no fan of Bourbon Boy Smith,  but even I have to admit,  this is a great commentary   . . . .    not "good" but great  !!!  


  1. Pretty much exactly what Obama said.

    1. We absolutely have a responsibility to those seeking protection from evil. But we have a charge to protect our own citizens FIRST. You do know that 72% of the American people do not agree with Obama, right? You know that Diane Feinstein disagrees with Obama. As does Charles Schumer and the head of the FIB (a Democrat) as does most of his generals and 85% of our military ?

      That you demonize those who need assurance as to the safe entry of these refugees is beyond stupid. And, if Obama cares so much for the widows and youth of the Middle East, why did he do NOTHING as we watched 350,000 windows and orphans killed, beheaded, raped, burned alive ?

    2. Why didn't Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lebanon, Syria or any of the Europeans do anything?

      We are not the world police.

    3. Israel is afraid Obama will cut them off. They know he is no friend of Israel. I believe our military needs to be anywhere where oppressed people need and ask for our help. The Syrians asked for help 4 yrs ago and Obama said "no," and now, we have 11 million refugees running into Europe because of Obama's negligence. Iran will not help in anything involving the US.
