The Supreme Court just institutionalized gay marriage nation-wide . . . . . a 5 - 4 decision for those who want to sleep with their friends.

As long as they do not criminalize my opposition speech to this decision and this practice,  I am "fine" with this decision.  Anyone believe that the radical libs in this "movement" will not work tirelessly to criminalize free,  opposition speech?    That is the next battle.  

Just to be clear,  when I say I am fine with this practice,  understand that I am talking about who you live with and how much perversion you can practice,  on a personal level.  You have that right,  and it was yours before this decision, today.  

This decision does not redefine "marriage."  Instead,  it is the legal basis for the destruction of "marriage" as a legal and social construct.  If a man can marry another man,  he can marry his dog   . . . . . . .    and absolutely no one reading this can push forward an argument to the contrary.  

I am not saying that "marriage to your dog" is the next frontier.  Rather,  I am saying that this is the end of "marriage."  If a "man and woman" is not the standard,  there is no single and undeniable standard at all.    Because no one can argue against any particular  form of marriage,  "marriage" will eventually have no definition at all and those who speak out against this,  will spend time in jail.  

50 years from now,  marriage (a man to a woman) will be no more.  

Update:  Look,  forget the "dog" illustration.  The official definition of marriage was "one man at time to one woman at a time,"  ruling out marriage to a dog,  another same sex friend or "one man and three or four for 15 woman."  If there is a future battle to be waged in this venue,  it will have to do with polygamy.  

A second real possibility,  may be the legal age for marriage and whether a man can marry a six year old.  

There are no legal arguments against any of this if the biblical standard is not the standard.  As a result,  our children,  raised in such a permissive environment,  will become dumber and dumber,  less loyal to anything issue considered to be sacrosanct.  and more wedded to "good times and rock and roll" than ever before.  

Update #2:   I told you so.  Trust me;  this decision is the end of "marriage."  Every loser on Earth will want to establish his own definition,  and there is no legal argument against any.  

Fredrik deBoer / Politico:
It's time to legalize polygamy  —  Why group marriage is the next horizon of social liberalism.  —  Getty.  —  Welcome to the exciting new world of the slippery slope.  With the Supreme Court's landmark ruling this Friday legalizing same sex marriage in all 50 states, social liberalism has achieved one of its central goals.


  1. Separation of church and state, dude. you lose. end of discussion. it really is that simple.

  2. Hearing all these gays interviewed on CNN, how could you not believe they are not born differently? All one has to do is listen to Marcus Bachmann or Lindsey Graham speak.

    Regressives have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st c.

  3. No scientific proof for what you say . . . but that aside, you really do not get the problem. I defined it in the post, above. Apparently you cannot read or, maybe, you just have a very low comprehension coefficient. I do not care who or what you sleep with as long as it is not a child . . . . but you will argue that the love of a child is all the biology one needs to for "marrying" a child. That is where you are going, next, with your 21st century BS. Diddo for your lust for polygamy.
