Part of the ACCEPTED Democrat constituency. What do you think. Vote accordinginly. (see the video)

Go to 33 minutes on the video and listen to two or three minutes of this speech.  Understand that this man gives our country no serious credit whatsoever   . . . . . .   and this is part of the Establishment Rhetoric of the Obama Left,  without debate.  Don't agree?  Find party leadership who will stand up and condemn this kind of garbage.  Me?  I am tired of this kind of crap and am not going to take it anymore   . . . .   just doing what this trouble-maker tells me to do.  We have a wonderful country and we all need to join hands and hearts and fix the problems we have. 


  1. These terrorists should be jailed for life for inciting murder. They are too stupid to realize without white people, they would all starve to death. Who would pay for their welfare? If white people said this, blacks would have a fit. May they all burn in hell.

    1. And this is what I am talking about. I want the Dems to own their own race baiters. Your comments miss my point altogether. In the past I have compared white contributions to the economy and our national history. but your tone is part of the problem . . . . . as has mine in the very recent past.

      I am not racist, but I am very angry . . . . . . sometime folks might not be able to see the difference. I get your point, and, just maybe, you are no more a racist than I. Anyway, we all need to take a breath and the Farrakhans of the world probably need to be in jail for inciting riots.
