In brief, here is what is happening to your healthcare via the idiocy of ObamaCare:

Thought you should know.  Nothing you can do about it because we are no longer a representative Democracy.  More than the following,  Central Planning is moving the populace away from doctors and into the care and keeping of medical staffers.   

 . . . . . . .  government mandates are requiring doctors to breach confidences, surrender private information to outsiders and seek approval for treatment choices in order to be reimbursed. The third party of government is replacing the third party influence of insurers with a pernicious influence . . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Your readers should know that there will be two more rounds of premium hikes before the 2016 elections. If the single client's penalty rose from 95 to 395 dollars from the beginning of year one to the beginning of year #2, What will it be in 2016 - a thousands dollars or more (?) - and don't you know that will have something to do with the election outcome.
