DNC Chariman tells us that Obama has been less productive as a president, than any president in the past 120 years. She said it. We believe it.

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All you need to know this:  Grover Cleveland served his term as president,  from 1893 to 1897 !!!  Wasserman-Shultzs admits this but blames the Republicans.   

Understand that Obama just spent more time,  in productive conference with three Central American presidents,  than he has spent time with the GOP leadership in five stinking years.     In fact,  in the first two years,  he met with GOP leadership twice for no more than a total of 40 minutes, cut the GOP out of any significant legislation,  and, now,  wants to complain about the Republicans.   Do we need to be constantly reminded that the Dems,  under Obama,  had two full years of super-majority rule and did next to nothing  (by Wasserman-Shultz’s own admission)?  

In summery, then,  we have the 6th slowest House in history,  a record setting do-nothing Senate,  the slowest of all Senate assemblies in our 236 year history,  and a president who is the worst production manager in over 120 years.  Time for a change  . . . .  you think?!

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