Will someone look into firing Jerry Jones or will his incompetence be rewarded ad infinitum - in the same vein as Barack "I'm a Constitutional Professor" (if you count my ten years teaching summer school at Chicago U) Obama.

Sports is great, if for no other reason, it gets your mind off whatever life throws at you -- unless, of course, you are a Cowboys fan. 

How do you lose a game in which you do not commit a single turnover, throw three touchdown passes without an interception, and, your running back gains 148 yds??? Last night, the Boys became the first team since 1940 to not force a single punt from the opposing team -------- twice in the same season. 

Also, the Boys have allowed 490 yds of offense for the fourth time, this year . . . . no other team has allowed 490 yds. more than twice. AND they have only won 1 playoff game in the past 17 seasons, all after Jerry "The Genius" Jones, fired Jimmy Johnson. What is another word for "buffoon?"

Like I said, Sports gets your mind off whatever life throws at you . . . . . sadly.

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