"We are all going to die, we are all going to die!" Well, maybe not . . and another Left Wing "crisis" bites the dust.

 Sun spot activity and associated solar flares,  are at a century old low.  The picture included in this post was taken on October 25 of 2013.  You can read the full story at space.com .  

I mention this story,  because 2012 was to be the end of life as know it,  the Left Wing predicting death and destruction because of the sun's activity in that year. 

You should know that this blog never printed such stories,  just as I refuse to print global warming predictions  that pretend to forecast the same sort of hysteria, today. The fact of the matter is this:  there was/is no crisis,  either with our communication systems in the skies above, or in our physical world,  below.  2012 came and went,  peacefully (in relative terms).   

In 2005,  Al Gore predicted 20 feet of ocean water in the city of New York by 2015;  ain't going to happen AND none of the crisis forcasts of yesterday,  has come true.  The New Ice Age,  acid rain, the end of our food supply,  death by pollution  --  none it happened,  none.  Add to this list of Left Wing failures,  the "solar crisis of 2012," while the rest of us try not to laugh out loudly. 

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