Obama's faith in Big Government's abilities is countered by the Slickster's use of private enterprise to fix the ObamaCare website mess . . . . . . . but wait !!! . . . . . there is more.

Using the article found at Politico, here,  we are informed of the news found in our headline.  Indeed,  there are no major (or minor?) federal programs that work efficiently or under budget . . . . none.  ObamaCare is fast proving to be another financial debachel.  But my point, here,  is not the "debachel" that it is,  but the fact that the private sector HAS to be brought in to fix this Utopian nightmare.  
There is a second point taken from this article.  It is found in this wording:  

"The Obama administration said Sunday that it achieved its goal of making HealthCare.gov work for the “vast majority” of users after the disastrous start of enrollment in the president’s signature health law.
The Obamacare website will be able to support more than 800,000 consumers per day, the administration said. And the site is now online more than 90 percent of the time, not including scheduled downtime for maintenance."

Understand that (a) this is the reported success story of a lying Administration, so take the "800,000" with a grain of salt,  and, (b) what the site will, now, support,  has nothing to do with how many folks actually access the site  . . . . . . . . .   certainly no where close to 800,000.  Understand this and I say it again,   what the site is "able to support" has nothing to do with how many folks are actually signing up for this new Central Planning scheme.   

Need I remind the reader that 800,000 per day is 24 million hits in a single, 30 day,  month,  yet the Obama Administration is hoping for 7 million enrollees,  four months from now (the end of March, 2014). 

Let's continue our math lesson for the day:  24 million views to ObamaCare in four months is 96 million potential enrollees by the end of March, 2014.  Contrast this with the admitted fact that this Administration is hoping against hope that they will have 7 million newly insured by March 31  . . . . .  which could mean [at least] one of the following: 

a.  If the "96 million" are all individual people, 89 million will say "no" to ObamaCare  . . . .   an incredible failure rate.  


b.  if the "96 million" equals the number of times the 7 million must access the site in order to complete their enrollment process,  this equals 13.7 times per enrollee  . . . . .  an indication that the website remains a walking/talking disaster.

You should know that this "24 million" monthly total  equals 288 million views in a year.  The news portal, Drudge.com ,  just celebrated last year's 1 billion hit record,  nearly four times the traffic of the healthcare site  . . . . . problem free.  And there are dozens,  if not thousands of similar success stories in the world of website accomplishments.  

Understand that the only people accessing the website,  at this time,  are (1) the non-paying poor who currently have no insurance and offer no money to off-set their new insurance expenses, most of whom will be funneled into the Medicaid program  (not Medicare)  and (2) a percentage of the 15 million Americans in the individual insurance pool.  

A year from now,  as many as 60 to 100 million folks will find out that have lost their employee based insurance, as well,   and will begin accessing this site,  only to find that another year has past with a second raise in insurance premiums,  double and triple co-payments,  and deductibles  that may - of necessity - rise to $20,000 per year.

Point of this post:  The Progressive/Socialists who have created this mess,  are facing "holy hell" on a long term basis.  And,  it could not happen to a nicer bunch of buffoons.  2014 and 2016,  here we come !!!!!  

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