Even Robert Gibbs is now admitting an implicit ineptness in this Administration's leadership with regard to [at least] ObamaCare. [see the two 1 min videos].

Robert Gibbs,  one time press secretary for Barack Obama,  is, now,  one of the Administration's harshest critics as relates to the roll-out of ObamaCare.  His comments are very significant,  in my opinion,  because they likely represent the thinking of many Liberals within the Democrat Party.  Make no mistake,  "they" are worried that ObamaCare problems are not limited to the website, itself,  but not even Gibbs,  in this moment of sheer honesty,  can bring himself to mention that possibility.  the GOP keeps saying,  "It is a problem with the law,  itself."  As is the case with nearly all of their criticism concerning this moronic administration of government,  time just might prove them (the GOP) to be right as to the systemic nature of failure this Administration is facing.  Like I have said over and over again,  Obama just might prove to be the worst thing to have ever happened to the Democrat party.  We can only hope for the best,  on that score.    

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