Apparently, Obama and his comrades have given up stressing the fantasy that ObamaCare will save folks money.

Washington Examiner:     One striking thing about the new White House Obamacare promotion campaign is that so far it hasn’t had much to say about the central focus of Obamacare, which is helping Americans buy affordable health insurance.
Look at the cases President Obama has highlighted. There are young people who say they have benefited from being allowed to stay on their parents’ health policies until age 26. There are people suffering from serious illnesses who say they are thankful there will no longer be lifetime caps on insurance benefits. There are stories of people with pre-existing conditions who will be able to purchase coverage.

Editor's notes:   Indeed,  he is no longer stressing the "afforability" of ObamaCare compared to what folks were paying,  just a few weeks ago.  If you stop to think for just  a moment or two,  you would realize there are only three or four features of this idiot's bill that the Socialist/Progressives even mention:  pre-existing coverage, no lifetime spending caps,  and your brat kids can stay in your home until they are 26.  

For that,  they have destroyed a great system and enslaved the population to a degenerate medical system that will only continue to devolve,  unless politicians in both camps,  come to their senses   . . . . . . . I know many are very discouraged,  but there is hope that reasonable minds will take control of this mess. 

Note that I did not mention "universal coverage" above.  Why?  Because that is another Obama lie.  When this is all said and done, we will still have 30 million without insurance,  just different folks than before,  less doctors but who cares about those greedy capitalists,  and no chance of free choice. 

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