After Fat Al Gorge sold Current TV to the enemy, the Islamic owned network has aired to as few as 22,000 people, most of them rumored to be from the Congressional Black Caucus.

So,  how is the new Al Jazeera news channel doing after its first week on air?  Well,  it’s opening program,  an introduction to Al Jazeera’s T.V. programming for the network,  aired to just 22,000 people.  During the week,  a financial program aired to 53,000 Americans but most programming throughout the week,  saw viewership ranging from 42,000 to below 30,000.

Understand that Al Jazeera is owned and produced by avoid enemies of the United States.  What most people forget is that following his first inauguration,  back in 2009, B. Hussein Obama gave his first news interview,  not to the American press,  but to an Islamic news outlet associated with Al Jazeera and has worked to bring Islam into the mainstream of American thought and process,  since that first interview on January 26, 2009.  

Information/statistical source:  TV Newser.  

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