What is the real issue of disdain for the teaparty, color or anti-colonial communalism?

TheBlaze:  As Americans prepare to mark the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech during the March on Washington, Rev. Jesse Jackson has decided now would be a good time to accuse the Tea Party of being just like the Confederacy.
 “The Tea Party is the resurrection of the Confederacy, it’s the Fort Sumter Tea Party,” Jackson told Politico, referring to conservative opposition to President Barack Obama.
Jackson said he is “absolutely” convinced that Republican opposition to Obama has more to do with race than it does with actually opposing White House policy.

Editor's notes:  What Mr Irrelevant does not understand or refuses to admit is this:  teaparty ancestors fought and died in the Civil War to free the slave.  More than this,  they rejected the KKK and resisted Jim Crow when the Democrats ruled the south,  wrote the laws that kept the black man from voting,  and populated the KKK as it killed more than 3000 blacks back “in the day.”  

What teaparty members hate,  is the kinship Obama and the Black Congressional Caucus  hold for a Marxist brand of the socialist state and their willingness to abandon the US Constitution in their all-out pursuit to change the nature of the national governance.  If these communist sympathizers were all white,  the teaparty would feel exactly the same about them.  Color is not the issue.  The rejection of traditional American values,  the US Constitution and related founding documents,  and the condemnation of all things colonial  -  this is the problem.   

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