The Senate just passed a $955 "farm" bill. That is what the Democrats and 15 Senate RINO's did. 80% of the bill went to food stamps, yet the GOP RINO Herd shared in calling this thing a "farm" bill. see the chart.

"They" play us for suckers,  every time.  Whatever the bill's title,  guaranteed,  it is never about "that."   The farm bill was about funding food stamps  --  period.  The Dodd/Frank financial bill?  Gawd only knows what that bill is about,  since it has been two years and the bill is not fully written and its center piece,   the Volcker Rule,  is nowhere in sight  -  but for damned sure,  the money funding this unwritten bill has been allocated !!!     

If ObamaCare was about insuring the uninsured,  making precondition coverage available,  and insuring lower costs,  they could have done that with a three paged bill.  Instead,  they chose to create 160 new federal agencies,  increase the size of the Nazi Collective we call the IRS by 20,000 adding that number to the 89,000 who are currently fitted with activist uniforms (of thought),  leaving nearly 30 million STILL uninsured !!!  Preconditions?  There is a deadline for precondition "sign-ups."  In other words,  there will be a time,  coming this very year,  when preconditions will no longer be accepted for coverage.  Lower costs?  Before this thing is fully implemented,  if that happens,  a family of four will see an increase of more than $4,500 compared to 2009 rates.  Ah,  "but the rate of increase is lower."  Was that the promise?  If you think so,  so of us may need mental health insurance.  

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