The beginning of a fourth national scandal, and this time H Obama has, for his allies, many within the RINO nation.

Update:  according to Rasmussen,  only 25% of the country supports the secret collection of data from every and all Americans.  

Edward Snowden is his name and right now,  without knowing more than we know,  he is America's newest hero.  He is the 29 year who has blown the whistle on the NSA,  has been forced to move to Hong Kong (in the past several days),  and is in fear for his life from his own government  (that would be us,  right ?).  Sine the US media is no more committed to individual freedoms (except when they are being spied upon),  we all had to turn to the UK to find this story.  While Obama got up,  yesterday,  and spoke of the need to be transparent mixed with the need to protect the people,  the fact remains that had it not been for Mr. Snowden,  we would not know of the huge data mining process that has been evolving,  right under our noses,  and is now in the hands of a man,  H Obama,  who could not be more untrustworthy. 

In a story that was published within the past two hours,  we have a young man who has given up all,  his family and his safety,  for an ideal he cherishes.  Read the story here:

 I will be publishing more on this,  in the early hours on Monday.  

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