Quote of the week: George Washington said "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." This list of scandals proves the point.

Nothing goes to proof of Washington’s observation that these Obama scandals,  all of which are unresolved to this day: 

Fast and Furious -  an agenda driven plot to ban gun ownership at some level,  resulting in the deaths of two federal agents (Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata) and more than 300 Mexican nationals. 

The surveillance and seizure of AP documents in an effort to control the media and manipulate (obviously) public opinion. 

Benghazi Massacre - a failure of leadership as Obama desperately moved to frame his "war on terror" as a raving success,  costing the lives of 4 American diplomats in Lybia  -  a cover-up that continues to this day.  While two of these men were 7 hours,  fighting for their lives,  their boss was nowhere to be found as he prepared for a long day of campaigning while his underlings were dying, men unaware that their boss did not give a crap and had given them up for dead. 

The IRS scandal,  an unmitigated assault against any group bearing the names "teaparty" or "patriot."  These attacks,  by the IRS,  eventually involved more than 500 conservatives groups,  and was a matter of operational policy by July of 2010.  The assault continues to this day,  despite the current investigations.  Obama's branding of these groups as a "threat to democracy," as if he cares about democracy rather than one party rule,  coupled with his classless description of conservatives as "teabaggers,"  set the tone and encouraged the IRS policy.  Without whistleblowers,  this action would never have been admitted and Obama would have remained silent.  

The use of Executive Orders to fashion a legislative agenda has been a threat of Obama's since 2009.    Scandalous in its nature,  this abuse of power has never really "taken off,"  despite Obama's continuing threat to use this power as if he were a dictator.  

Kathleen Sebelius, head of Health and Human Services, with obvious permission of the White House,  tried to extract money from Democrat donors,  in violation of federal law,  for the purpose of funding ObamaCare.  

The Department of Justice's refusal to prosecute black political crime voter fraud cases is a huge but largely unreported scandal.    

Eric Holder,  under investigation for perjury,  lying to congress about the James Rosen indictment and his (Holder's) knowledge of Fast and Furious.  Holder is on record as lying about his involvement in both these circumstances.  His ability to act as if he was/is above the law,  not only  affords his continuing abuse of power,  but allows the same for those in the Obama Administration,  including H Obama,  himself. 

Finally,  Obama's time at Columbia University is clearly in doubt.  This will surprise some,  but CBS ran a story on this very issue,  in November of 2009.  The link is here.  The network concluded that there was substance to the doubts about his attendance and,  at the end of the CBS article,  allowed for the notion that Obama may not have been a good student,  if, in fact,  he attended that college.  In an article written this year (June 8, 2013),  one of Columbia's most noteworthy professors,  is even angry that Obama claims to be the first president from that university.  The link to that story is here.  

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