Part of the Taliban force that defeated Obama's army in Afghanistan. Thursday, surrender talks begin. Obama thinks of the "white flag" as the new American flag. I agree. Look at this picture. Embarrassing. These clowns beat tjhe so-called best fighting force in the world. Anyone feel safer now that this "war" is over?

1 comment:

  1. The Taliban have proven that they are the toughest and most successive fight force in the world,
    They defeated 500,000 soviets along 20,000 spetznas.
    The Taliban were taken from power though not conquered in the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.
    The Taliban took on 30,000 commandos ranging from delta force , green berets , sas, navy seals, French foreign legion , german GR9 , israeli commandos, Bulgarian elite alpine troops , royal british marine commandos and many other units as well who participated in the invasion.
    As of Dec 2013 there 150,000 Allied troops and 350,000 AFghan national army soldiers who have NOT been able to defeat the TALIBAN, who number some 12,000 to 16,000 in number using old soviet AK-47's & RPG launchers aginst some of the worlds best trained and equipped armies.
    So fair to say the Taliban are the most effective fighting force in the world arguably without a doubt.
