And the worm has turned. In 2008 200,000 came out to hear our presidential slickster. Yesterday, only 6,000 showed up.

In 2008,  more than 200,000 turned out,  in Germany,  to hear Obama say this:   “Now is the time when the earth begins to cool and the oceans begin to  recede.”  Why he campaigns in Germany is beyond me but he does this  -  talking to Germans as if they were a part of the American Society.  Turns out few are interested.

Remember his 2012 campaign and the Democrat National Convention in North Carolina?  Obama wanted 80,000 in the B of A Stadium,  but had to move that assembly inside the convention center, to accommodate [only] 20,000 in attendance.  Turns out few were interested,  and,  8 million fewer Americans (than expected)  turned out for the Democrat vote.

Then we have his January 20th,  2013 “State of the Union Speech.”  In 2010,  31 million per network,  watched this slick talker list his promises.  In 2013,  that speech was viewed by just 5.8 million Americans per network.  Turns out,  few were interested in more unfulfilled promises.

He no longer has any sort of mandate to govern and the horde of scandals that have piled up,  have brought his socialist agenda to a stand still.  

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