No more unreliable "conspiracy" theories. Now, these conspiracies have evolved into real life circumstances.

57% of Americans fear the government will use spy data to punish opponents  (Rassmussen).  Only 30% of Americans believe government misuse of data is likely. 

Doubt this?  Then where did all that information about General Patreaus -  all 30,000 of them,  with his mistress – come from.  He is or was the head of the CIA and a general in our army.  His email information is protected and not available to the average citizen.  Yet, we all know what those email’s said,  and,  strangely,  there was no investigation in this breach involving the CIA Director.  Aren’t any of you sheep,  vaguely curious as to why that did not happen,  the investigation that is?

Today,  we learn that a CBS reporter has definitely had her computer files hacked.  The reporter is one who made a series of negative reports concerning Obama and the Benghazi scandal.  Two months ago,  the reporter,  Sheryl Attkisson,  stated that she believed her computer had been hacked,  a report she filled at the same time James Rosen,  of Fox News,  was being harassed by Obama’s Justice Department. 

The potential for abuse is only exceeded by the serious possibility of abuse,  by someone in this Administration.  

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