Brief comment on Obama's morning "news" conference, in which questions were asked and self-serving answer were given.

 Of course,  everyone is talking about Obama’s “red line”  and his implied promise of action should that line be crossed.  The first question of the morning’s presser was about this red line.  In answer to that question, he made it clear that the ensuing consequences and his promise to change his “calculus” as to Syria was about the world’s reaction to the crisis,  not his or the United States acting in some sort of unilateral way. 

We all knew that on the day he made his statement,  he was playing the role of tough international leader.  We also knew that he was just kidding. 

How much international leadership has been surrendered under this president is not yet known,  but it is substantial to the point that there is no more inconsequential leader in this world than B. Obama.  His statement to  “lead from behind”  is evidence of his nonsensical approach to leadership and  has proven to be the path to sheer and laughable irrelevancy.  In short our country is a joke and that is all on Obama. 

He has lost the war in Afghanistan even before he cuts and runs from the region.  He has,  in effect,  returned Iraq to the hands of its radicalized neighbors and internal forces within that nation,  making a mockery of the Bush victory and the lives lost in winning that war.  His Mid East policies have added to the destabilization of that region in ways not seen in American politics. 

He shows no concern for the Innocents in Africa as they continue to be butchered by Muslim killers.  He has deserted informants  who gave us Ben Laden and left the principles of freedom behind in his lust to partner with a Muslim world that denies women their civil rights and liberties,  as well as freedom of speech and the [free] expression of religious faith.  His Cairo speech in 2009 remains a complete mystery as to why he ever took the time to give that speech  --  a magnificent opportunity squandered in a sea of  misguided academia and self-serving headlines,  and nothing more.  

In short and following this morning’s press conference,  we now know that Obama has no intentions of getting involved in Syria beyond his ability to talk.  Sadly,  so does the rest of the murderous hordes in the Middle East.  

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