The most partisan political machine in history, is now telling us, to our face, that it is non-partisan, you know, just like its president.

Here is a story from one of Obama’s many venders, Politico.  The stooges working for this digital rag want you to believe that Obama’s political machine,   Obama for America,  a wholly partisan election big money collective,  has now changed its name to Organizing for America,  and is suddenly,  non-partisan. 

Understand that if one is “progressive” to the exclusion of all other political persuasions,  if one is birthed and staffed by Obama supporters to the exclusion of all other entities, if one’s web address is,  the most partisan/divisive president in American history,  well,  the conclusion is obvious and the rest of America is not nearly as stupid as the Obama people think we are. 

Our except from Politico reads: 
Top donors, volunteers and organizers for President Barack Obama’s new nonprofit met Wednesday at a Washington hotel to discuss how the group can stay active and relevant in the president’s second term — but the group’s leader swears the effort is non-partisan.
“I want to say a word about what we aren’t: We are not a partisan organization,” said Jon Carson, a former White House official who is now serving as the executive director of Organizing for Action.
“We are here to move this shared progressive agenda forward,” he added. “We will advocate to Democrats to move that agenda forward. We will advocate to Republicans. But issues are our focus.”

While “issues” are the mainstay of this group of hypocrites,  the most important “issue” is the destruction of the GOP,  and that is what this OFA is all about. . . . . . . . hardly non-partisan,  wouldn't tiy agree?

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