Will the current proposed gun ban pass into law ? History gives us a resounding "no !!"

    This headline is causing some concern within conservative ranks: 

Cutter: Obama Will Activate Campaign Apparatus To Take On The NRA.

 Problem:  secondary campaigns such as this,  are never successful.  Bush tried this strategy after the 2004 elections,  as he sought to bring Social Security deficits under control,  and failed,  miserably.  He could not over come the scare tactics of the Left. 

Obama is facing much the same problem with his anti-gun campaign.  Before the election,  he couldn't have cared less.  In fact,  he received an "F" from the Brady anti-gun lobby,  in 2010.  We have covered this, in earlier posts.  

As history stands,  when a presidential campaign does not campaign on a given issue,  it fails to ignite interest using the same campaign apparatus.   Judging from recent surveys,  the population is either losing interest or is settling in on a pro-gun position.  With the passage of time,  it is becoming evident that this rush to judgment is destined for failure.  It is common knowledge that the Clinton ban on “military weapons,”  failed to stop the mass killings at Columbine,  which occurred in the middle of that 10 year ban.  And after the ban's expiration (sunsetted out in 2004),  gun violence and the purchase of guns and rifles have all continued to decline.  Today,  20 years after the fact,  there are twice as many guns in the hands of legal owners while deaths due to gun violence have been cut in half. 


  1. When Reagan and Brady were shot, they were surrounded by several agents with guns.

    Didn't help them much, did it?
