Oregon hoping to ban cigarettes and, in time, approve the recreational use of margewana.

<<<<  She's hiding her identity just in case some one turns her in for smoking   . . . . . . . . .   cigarettes. 

Bill proposed in Oregon would make cigarettes prescription-only drugs  —  If you're a regular smoker, you may want to keep an eye on a new bill in the Oregon Legislature.  —  Rep. Mitch Greenlick, from Portland, is sponsoring a bill that makes cigarettes a Schedule III controlled substance.

Editor’s notes:  think about it,  this week we learn that the liberals in the great state of Oregon (I keep telling you these folks have a “stupid” gene) intend to make smoking the normal fag,  a criminal offense as if cigs were more dangerous or as dangerous as pot,  for the individual and those who have to compete in the driving experience with Oregon's stoner population.   

Incredible.  The “entitlement mentality” is not the only thing we have to worry about,  in our evolving pool of leaders.  Heck,  we have a president who was stoned during the last two years of high school  --  ah, according to his own words.  Leaving aside the question of “how did a stoner get into Harvard,”  we have the character questions surrounding a humanistic and moraless society,  one {referring to H Obama] that sees no value in personal [political] honesty,  but cherishes the idea of “fairness” even if that concept destroys the economy and sinks all ships.  

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