Michael Gerson has something to say to our present distress (Obama).

<<< Understand that "economic mobility" only occurs in an economy that produces jobs and jobs related advancement.  

One of the changes I have seen in the early goings of the press verses the Obama reign of power,  is a hint of willingness on the part of certain media outlets to posit criticism of this man who would be King.  Michael Gerson is an op-ed columnist for the Washington Post and a moderate Republican.  He writes an excellent piece, today, that you should take time to read.  It is a brief statement that includes the following:  

(From the Washington Post):  He [Obama] seemed surprised that Washington could not be changed by the force of his personality. He has become a sobered and hardened figure. A former public official who often interacted with Obama put it this way to me: “Obama disdains politicians and the art of politics, but he is highly competitive and wants to beat them at their own game.”

This is not a problem if the president is merely one participant among many in a series of zero-sum political battles. But this approach has serious drawbacks if a president is called to play a leadership role in reforms that require both parties to trust each other and take simultaneous risks. On the evidence of his second inaugural, Obama has moved beyond such idealism. 

Gersen states the obvious,  that Obama is not about negotiating or diplomacy,  but about winning his point as he forces the hands of his opponents.   

Out the back and past the trash

Years of “community organizing” (a fancy phrase that translates into “Chicago thuggery”) has taught him the value of persistence,  a strategy of winning at all cost,  and a blatant disregard for the trust and feelings of others.  In fact,  I would argue that his experience as an “organizer” has ruined him for service as the leader of the free world.  His shameful and duplicitous treatment of the Israeli Prime Minister and the Dalai Lama  (escorting this leader out the back door of the WH and past the trash piled eight feet high,  waiting for someone to pick it up) along with his backstabbing antics against Egypt’s Mubarak and the Libyan leader,  Gadaffi,  are proof of this claim.   

He is a mean man,  with no heart for those he deems as obstacles to his latest,  middle of the night epiphany.  

Based on his actions of the past four years and the opinions of dozens of pundits from the Right,  the Middle and the Left  (but not the far Left),  Obama is about to rule as close to a dictator as is possible,  in this country. 

Everything he does between now and the mid-terms of 2014,  will be about holding onto the Senate and reclaiming the House.  If he and his Democrat Socialists are able to do so,  the result will be a heavier dose of centralized expansion than what we have seen,  to date.  
We Baby Boomers have never seen this level of centralized expansion,  before,  and it scares us.  Obama is the first “big government” Democrat since LBJ and he puts that Texan to shame.  Clinton was a “smaller” government president,  and not a radicalized One Worlder.  Obama is the first of his kind.  He bought his way to victory in 2012  (2 million free phones to the voting poor and one underhanded backwater deal after another with this nation's Big Labor unions)   and,  now,  he intends to  ram his agenda down the collective throat of the informed American opposition  -  more than half this nation's population.   

If you are a Boomer Conservative,  you must know that we survived the big government crap coming from FDR and we will survive this clown’s antics.  Understand and believe that all things political are cyclical in nature.  As much as the Left would love to eliminate the Right,  that will not happen.  So let them laugh and act out their immaturities.  In the end,  their inability to add and subtract will spell "d.e.a.t.h" to their Utopian Dream World.  

Mark my words,  the 800 pound gorilla in the room is our national  financial dilemma and macro-economists have no clue how to deal with this issue.  Heck,  until last week,  some of these bozo's thought to mint a trillion dollar coin,  and, then,  declare it as income.  Understand that a trillion dollar platinum coin is just play money,  because no one on the face of this earth would accept it as currency except the clowns in the White House  --  and,  in the end,   even they could not play this game  . . . . . . .   at least,  not now.    I mean, this platinum idea was sooooooo stupid that I did not take the time to report on the matter.  But that is the kind of nonsense we can expect to see from the Utopian Left.  Pity us all.   

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