I care nothing for Harry Belafonte's president so I am taking a ride in the hills, this afternoon.

Latter today,  I am taking a run through the hills,  near my home.  Understand that I live within an hour’s drive of Yosemite and Kings Canyon national parks.  Both parks are closed,  I am sure,  due to snow,  but the riding season is just around the corner.  The bloom and flower season is only days away.  Here in California,  we have one of the most handsome and dynamic bloom seasons in the entire nation.  It arguments the existence of the blooming idiots we have for politicians,  but that is another story.  

I have no intentions of providing a live update of today’s inauguration.  That happened yesterday,  in case you missed it. Today is only Obama’s time to stand in front of another open mic and pretend that he cares about this great nation as it was formed and governed over the past two centuries. 

No one promises to “fundamentally transform” anything political,  if he plans only to “tweek” its laws for the sake of a better union.  No one sits around inventing new flags and circumventing congress and disobeying established Constitutional law who is happy with traditional America  . . . . .  no one.  

And,  of course,  we now have four years of conduct to realize just how much of an enemy to traditional American values is Obama and,  sadly,  the whole of the Democrat Socialist Party.     

They have finally “come out of the closet” and, now,  openly admit that they no longer support a two party political system,  or free speech, or a free workplace for all who seek to earn a living,  or the second and tenth amendments to our bill of rights or the legislative process that is our Congress.   The Left has been taken over by the racists and whiners in the Angry Black Movement,  and [it] intends to get even for all the grief traditional America has done to them.  

Harry Belafonte is the face and voice of this Angry Black Movement,  of which I write,  and your denials of same are nothing more than a waste of time.  His vitriol is what Left Wing politics is all about,  in today's social/political economy.  It is undeniable.  And because Belafonte's rage now typifies the Social Democrats of the Left,

we have moved passed the demand to "compromise." 

It is not compromise these folks want,  it is total capitulation,  total surrender,  that is their demands.  That is what is going on and an hour’s purvey of this blog,  with its well documented and recorded histories,  will prove that to anyone who can actually read AND comprehend,  at the same time.  

So,  I will not be reporting on the details of the inauguration.  I do not care to write another word about the man’s lies (also called ‘campaign promises’) and will not participate willingly in his brand of socialism. He is not my president and that is the case,  because he does not want to be my president.  

He campaigned (in 2008) against millions of folks who believe in gun rights and the vitality of the biblical message.  He made jokes about these people,  in front of the snobs in San Francisco.  He laughed in our faces and has been doing so for four years.  In fact,  his re-election campaign was one that featured a divided nation with the hard working white man on one side,  and all those who can be talked into hating that white man,  on the other.  He framed "voting" as "the best kind of revenge"  and fully intends to finish what he started in the first two years of his term in office.  That will not happen in this congressional term,  but if the Democrats win back the House in 2014,  he will have two more years to raise hell and kill Able.  


  1. An awesome and inspirational inaugural address and inauguration. A call for equality for the middle class, women, gays... national anthem sung by a black woman, prayer given partially in Spanish by a Latin American. Responsibility for education and a call to action for the future, confronting climate change. America is moving forward. Regressives have been put on notice. Take note.

  2. See my commentary on Obama's inauguration speech. Understand this, much more than half the nation did not participate in or watch the inauguration. While it was inspiring to folks like you, his presidency is a death blow to the liberties of present day Americans, a trade-off for the welfare state of your dreams.
