Another example of reckless disregard for Federal Law coming from the White House.

According to a report in The Weekly Standard:,  we learn that the Obama Administration has not only refused to push for a Congressional  approved budget for the fourth consecutive fiscal year,  as required by law,  it is also in violation of law as it refused to present the quarterly stimulus reports due in 2012.  In the last report,  published in 2011,  we learned that each job created by stimulus money  (the stimulus was passed on Fed 17, 2009. and,  now, totals more than 831 billion dollars),  has cost the American taxpayer $317,000.  Again,  these numbers come from the Administration.  They are so bad,  that Obama decided to hold off with these required reports,  during the campaign season of 2012.  In fact,  the last report,  in 2011,  showed the cost per job getting worse rather than better.  

In full campaign mode, we now know that Hussein Obama hide the truth about Benghazi, the budget mess,  and the failure that is the 2009 Stimulus.  And,  rather than expose him on this,  Mitt Romney did   . . . . . . . . . . . .  ah  . . . . . . . . . . . . nothing. 

To be specific,  Obama has said,  “I am no longer doing quarterly reports for the stimulus,  so sue me.”  

From the Weekly Standard:   “Alas, that was the last report we’ve seen.  Never mind that Section 1513 of the “stimulus” legislation, which Obama spearheaded and signed into law, requires the executive branch to submit a new report every three months.  It reads:

“ ‘In consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisers shall submit quarterly reports to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives that detail the impact of programs funded through covered funds on employment, estimated economic growth, and other key economic indicators.’ ”

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