A history of subversives and their use of children.

Over the years,  those who would seek power for themselves has used children to win the day.  Some were murderers of the worst order.  Others were despots.  

In the case of Obama,  we have a man who is bent on moving America away from its history,  its traditions and its founding documents.  He has taken the time to create his own version of the American flag, to ignore established Constitutional law as he sees fit (refusing to enforce the DOMA,  ignoring the federal requirements to protect the border,  allowing for the illegal Sanctuary Cities,  attacking Libyan forces via Executive Order,  foregoing the Constitutional requirement to author and pass a budget each and every year - something he has not done since moving into the White House,  deciding not prosecute Black voting fraud,  sending guns across the border without the consent of congress or full disclosure of same,  refusing to honor congressional subpoena) and concealing millions of dollars in campaign donations which merited a $375,000 fine by the Federal Elections Commission in January of this year (2013).    

Stalin using children

China’s Mao Zedong
Germany’s Adolf Hitler
Cuba’s Fidel Castro
North Korea’s Kim Il-sung
Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez
Obama Exploiting the Children for Executive Action on Gun Control
Obama Exploits Children for Executive Action Press Conference on Gun Control

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