In an
American Spectator article, Jeb Babbins
makes this point: “The coming fight on
the debt ceiling and gun control is an ideological one, one Republicans need to
fight or else face oblivion.”
He is correct,
of course. What many folks on the
Right are missing, however, is the stealth
strategy of B Hussein. He is more about
the destruction of the GOP than he is an ideologue.
Look at his
policies. He was against gay marriage
before he was for gay marriage - or so he says. He was against further gun control before he
was for gun control. He was for $800
billion in tax increases before he was for 1.3 trillion in added taxes. He was for “bi-partisanship” before he was all in on one party/one man
rule. He was pro-Constitution before he
dedicated himself to the “One World” agenda.
He was pro-Christianity before he acted against every principle of faith
in the book. He was pro-spending cuts
before he announced that “spending is not the problem.”

Never, ever, forget these words:
May of 2008: MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
Point of post:
an informed public is the only defense against anarchy. And,
the lesson learned, here, is this:
Obama will always add a detail to his negotiations, a demand,
that cannot be accepted by the Right without a surrender of values.
This is why we can expect to experience one of the most contentious periods of Democrat/Progressive rule in American history. Its “white knuckle” time, folks. Hang on.
But there is hope, I believe. 2016 will be more of a
surprise to the Left than people are thinking.
(Hint: Progressive numbers as
relates to liberal constituencies are down much more than conservative numbers –
bet you didn’t know that).
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