The most corrupt Administration in modern American history is covering up its donor pool, using campaign law to defeat campaign law.

You may be looking at the coming  week's scandal.  Who knows.  One thing for certain.  Democrats do not believe their people commit "scandal," sooooo,  this will be just another "bump in the road"  for the Chicago Organizer. (Note: the term "Chicago" as used on this blog is never a racist word;  rather,  it is [always] a gangster word.) is reporting the beginnings of a huge campaign scandal,  one that was first tested out in 2008.  According to Brietbart's  Big Government,  Obama uses small donations to cover for those who actually donate millions to his campaign. It is being reported that in September,  Obama raised 181 million dollars.  Can you believe this:  all but 2% of that money is "reportable."  I am saying that 177.4 million of all that money cannot be traced to anyone.  Obama wants us all to believe that in the month of September,  alone,  he received 354,000 donations,  all under 50 bucks,  each.  Crap.  In fact,  this is so much barnyard,  as to demand this posted response.  

Understand that if a particular donation is under $50 dollars,  the donor's name not only need not be reported, no records of the donor are required to be kept.  If the same donor gives 500 donations,  all under 50 dollars,  his name need never be revealed.  While the limit to an individual but unreported "gift" is 200 dollars,  records must be kept,  in case that donor gives more than $200, total.  But,  if the donor's gifts remain under $50 each,  he can give a million dollars, two million,  ten million,  all without having to meet an reporting challenges.  

In 2008,  McCain,  revealed ALL donors to his campaign;  Obama only revealed those required to be revealed and in so doing,  covered up $400 million in donations in small donations, under $50 each.     Midknight Review was in its infancy, back then.  The first Obama scandal I reported,  was this one.   I have featured this sad tale,  on several occasions over the years.  In fact,  this blog is one of only a few,  maybe the only blog,  to remind its readers of this scandal.  

Folks who come to this site,  Midknight Review,  get a hardcore presentation of the facts and,  sometimes,  I cross the lines of respect and civility.    The reason? Well,  for one thing, from the beginning of Obama's time before the American people (beginning in 2008),  I have noted his evolving corruption.  His promises regarding campaign finance were his first broken promises.  There have been dozens and dozens,  since.  

Now,  four years into the man's presidential history,  I realize that only Richard Nixon was as morally empty as is  B Hussein Obama.  The biggest difference between Nixon,  as a crook,  and Obama,  as a crook,  is found in Obama's ability to use the law to escape its limitations and the discovery of his agenda for this nation,  whatever that might be.  

I believe him to be a classless impostor.  He has made a life-time effort out of fooling people,  including himself.  He may be the best equipped impostor,  on a national scale,  of any leader in American history.  This election is not about the destiny of this country so much as it is about Barack Hussein Obama continuing his deceitful and personal campaign of  "self realization."

One thing I learned in college psych class so many years ago,  was this:  men (more so than women) raised without the benefit  of a strong father,  tend to have no conscience.  

How far all this can take this empty suit,  has become,  for me,  the most important and, even,  fascinating American story of our time.    

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