File - "The 7.8% Report" // Obama's version of "recovery" is a part-time labor force and an over-burdened private sector. "Fairness" to him is this: "We are all poor, now." (except for Obama and his privileged family, of course.)

<<<<<    Post Summary:  If the latest Labor report is true, Obama is bragging about an increasing part-time labor force - low wage jobs all -  and a growing public sector/ to heck with the private sector.  Don't forget,  "The private sector is doing just fine."   

A comprehensive and documented report by J Smithson,  Carpenter:  

On Friday (10/5/12), the Bureau of Labor reported that 875,000 Americans entered the  job force  (that is different from the “workforce”) in the month of September,  giving Obama a number (7.8%) he thinks he can use to win re-election.   Here is how this bit of fraud  this breaks down:

650,000 of this number are people who work part-time,  or are “self employed,”  working “under the table.”  The remainder includes 114,000 jobs created in the “established” job market,  folks who pay “full bore” on their payroll taxes,  and 96,000 public sector jobs Private sector, small business jobs, lost 5,000, in September not including manufacturing loses of 15,000 jobs.  

Understand that this explanation makes yesterday’s report sound as if it reflected a legitimate conclusion.  It was and is an outrageous lie.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

To imagine that more than 600,000 people suddenly decided to start their own business or found part-time work,  all in a single, 30 day period,  is a bizarre fantasy that insults true intelligence. One must not allow the Left to push this ridiculous number without making mention of the true causative influence leading to the lower unemployment number,  that being  an election 4 weeks from now.  

Understand this,   the 7.8% unemployment number is not believable for the following reasons:

No one is talking about the fact that 16,000 manufacturing jobs were lost, in September,  and another 22,000 lost in August.  These (38,000 manufacturing jobs)  are good paying jobs "with benefits,"  lost to the Obama economy.  (Washington Beacon)

Our national gross product (GDP) is at a near recession level of 1.3%.  To have the kind of growth imagined by the Obama Administration and pushed forward in the Friday propaganda report,  our nation's production (GDP) would have to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 3.5 % in order to demand the creation of 875,000 jobs in a single month.  (cf. New York Review blog with my remarks)

Understand that with Bush,  the nation was at or near full employment with a GDP of 2.8% on average (except for 2008,  of course).  Such is not the case with this economy.  In fact,  the expressed fear,  stated over and over,  is that the nation might be headed for a second recession.  Far from being "on the mend,"  this economy is definitely headed in the wrong direction,  Obama's lies to the contrary   (see end notes, #3).  

No one is talking about the fact that the U6 stat,  which is the number of Americans unemployed or underemployed,   is precisely the same at 14.7%,  as the month before.  You cannot have a wild adjustment to the U3 (the 7.8% number  reported on Friday)  without affecting the U6 stat.  The two are inextricably** related.   (Go to Portal Seven and compare the numbers and definitions for U3 and U6 unemployment).

** inextricably:   incapable of being disentangled or untied 

No one is talking about the fact that the downward trend to the national workforce,  has not changed . . .  that trend continues and on the same trajectory as before.  (see The Economic Populist for a discussion on the downward trend in the labor force).  

Never mind the fact that only 96,000 jobs were created in the real-time business world,  in August,  and a paltry 114,000 jobs in September.  Both numbers well below estimated population growth as to the workforce.  

End Notes:

1. You will want to read the excellent report found at The Heritage Foundation.

2.  Barrons also has an excellent piece in their digital magazine.

3. Commentary Magazine has a comprehensive article on the Bush economy. It challenges nearly all of the Obama claims about the Bush years.  In short,  the theme of the article is this: the Bush economy kicks Obama butt.

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