Some claim the White House really did not know. Funny, you would think these Obamanites would have asked, "Since when is the Administration not responsible for the decisions of its underlings, especially when those decisions get people killed?"

Josh Rogin,  writing for Foreign Policy,  absolved the Administration of any blame regarding  the tragedy in Libya in an article he titled,  "White House: Obama and Biden were never aware of requests for more Benghazi security."   Obviously,  Rogin would not have taken this point of view had George Bush been president.  Apparently,  the author thinks that folks in charge,  at the top,  in a Progressive Administration,  are not responsible for the day to day decisions of their underlings. Incredible.  We have a government with no one in charge !!  

Go to Foreign Policy for Rogan's report including these words:

"All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources," the top regional security officer in Libya over the summer, Eric Nordstrom, testified. "In those conversations, I was specifically told [by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb] ‘You cannot request an SST [Site Security Team] extension.' I determined I was told that because there would be too much political cost. We went ahead and requested it anyway."
Nordstrom was so critical of the State Department's reluctance to respond to his calls for more security that he said, "For me, the Taliban is on the inside of the building."
"We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met," testified Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, a Utah National Guardsman who was leading a security team in Libya until August.
In attendance at the Tuesday congressional hearing (two days before the VP debate)  were Eric Nordstrom and  Lt. Col. Andrew Wood.  These two men were on site at the or near the Libyan embassy until July of this year year. 
Their testimony was devastating to the Administration.     Lt. Col Wood said [after being asked] that he knew the attack was a terrorist attack "the instant"  he heard the news.   Nordstrom's comment was especially damaging when he described  State Department's opposition to his requests for additional security force in these words:  "For me,  the Taliban is on the inside of the building (meaning,  the State Department)."  
Charlene Lamb is the Under Secretary of State.  She is based in D.C.   In her testimony, on Tuesday,  she made it clear that the decision to not send security,  to,  in fact, pull the 3 security teams out of Libya,  was made by others "higher up" in the State Department.  She, also,  made it clear that the decisions surrounding embassy security had nothing to do with budgetary considerations,  yet Biden,  two days later,  continued to blame the GOP budget cuts for the security problems at the embassy.  
What is most disturbing, in all this,  is the fact that people in the press believe it is fully acceptable for the hens to be running the hen house.  Hillary is not responsible and Obama should not be expected to even know of such things,  what with his need to campaign for two years.  I am thinking  that he should have, at least, asked,  "What the hell is going on?"  

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