Obama is not nearly as popular with the Radical Left as we might think. They know that Obama is not about the Progressive Agenda, he is about his own agenda.

<<<<   He gets a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy from Harvard,  and suddenly,  he is an expert on economics,  international affairs,  job creation.  

Point of this post:  to detail the fact that as far back as the beginning of the second year of Obama,  the Far Left knew that their agenda was not what they had hoped to be the case.

I begin with this February, 2010, article in which Yglesias complains about the moderate, Blue Dog,  Democrat,  Blanche Lincoln:

Lincoln Slams Mythical Liberal Extremists                                                  By Matthew Yglesias on Feb 3, 2010 at 2:28 pm at Think Progress. 

This stuff really pisses me off:

[Blanche] Lincoln, who faces serious competition in her ’10 re-elect — and a 27 percent approval rate in Arkansas — practically demanded Obama “push back in our own party… for people at the extremes.”   [Lincoln was talking about extremists such as the foreigner,  Matt Yglesias.  That is why poor old Matt is so upset  -  M.R. editor]. 

She added that “no one in your administration” understands how to make payroll.
As I’ve said before, this is nonsense. It’s just mathematically impossible for liberals to advance a liberal-as-opposed-to-centrist agenda through congress. The votes aren’t there. The only proposals that can pass the House are proposals that have some support from Blue Dogs. The only proposals that can pass the Senate are proposals that Blanche Lincoln votes for. Therefore 100 percent of the items on the legislative agenda have been pre-trimmed in advance to suit the desires of centrist Democrats. There’s been no Universal Medicare plan, there’s been no 100% auction of carbon permits plan, there’s been no gay marriage bill, there’s been no $1.5 trillion stimulus, there’s been nothing.

That’s the way it is. Blue Dogs and Blanche Lincoln types have succeeded at positioning themselves in the legislative pivot points. Consequently, they control the legislative agenda. I don’t blame them for it. Indeed, I regularly urge liberals to accept political reality support the Blue Dog / Blanche Lincoln agenda as preferable to the status quo. But unfortunately the Blanche Lincolns of the world uniformly refuse to take responsibility for their own position as the drivers of the agenda. They’re the ones who’ve been in charge. And frankly it hasn’t been going very well. In particular, they’re decision to take the President’s stimulus request and say “this is too big” rather than “this is too small” has been a horrible fiasco, leading millions of people to suffer avoidable unemployment.

Editor's notes:    understand that Matthew Yglesias,  is as far Left as you can get without being an appointee in the Putin Administration.  This is a guy who thinks he is qualified to write because he has a Bachelor of Arts degree in the useless “science” of Philosophy,  from the godless confines of Harvard, no less.    In July of 2010,  this One World Socialist donut eater was [already] admitting to the amazing demise of Progressives within the Democrat Party  (see his article at The Daily Beast )  In fact,  his article,  the subject of this post [above], is of the same complaint.  Keep in mind that the radical Left’s realization that they were in serious trouble,  politically speaking,  was the subject of much discussion,  well in advance of the 2010 midterms. 

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