Obama on debate night: "Social Security is structurally sound." Anyone know why he said that ??!!

(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama said in Wednesday night’s presidential debate that Social Security is “structurally sound,” but Social Security’s Board of Trustees said in their 2012 annual report that the program faced $8.6 trillion in “unfunded obligations”–meaning that it is currently obligated to pay out $8.6 trillion more in benefits than it is anticipated to bring in through taxes.

Editor’s notes:  I know,  the SS Board of Trustees says the unfunded obligation is 8.6 trillion,  but the number having been used for the past several years is closer to 17 trillion.  Whatever the actual amount,  we are talking about “trillions,”  with 10,000 Baby Boomers coming into the program every single day,  for the next 12 years  [there are 78 million of us,  coming to “break the  SS bank.”].  And Obama is telling those who listen to him and believe that he knows what he is talking about,  that Social Security is “structuring sound.”  

If Romney had made this statement,  the Progressive Jihadists would have called Romney a "liar." In fact,  the Obama campaign has decided to double  down on the "liar" theme,  when it comes to Romney.    I guess they think this sort of thing scores points.  

Understand that it is one thing for a blog like this,  to use such terms,  but Independents are "turned off" by the the use of such language.   And,  it is the Independent vote that looms important,  in the coming election.  

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