Forget about the car and the cliff; think about the bus and all the people Obama has thrown under that bus, beginning with his own grandmother.

Ben Geman / Ballot Box:
Axelrod defends White House on Libya, says Romney seeking to ‘exploit’ issue  —  President Obama's senior campaign adviser David Axelrod on Sunday defended the administration's handling of the consulate attack in Libya, accusing Mitt Romney of trying to “exploit” the issue.
Services running this story:   Politico and CNN

Editor's note:  thank God for Romney.  If he were not running for office,  we would know nothing about what really happened in Libya.  Understand that the Administration has done nothing but work to cover-up the sad implications of this tragedy.  

Understand that Jay Carney,  Obama's personal spokesman, told the world that it was "obvious"  the Libyan murders were the work of an orchestrated terrorist attack.  That was September 20.  Five stinking days later,  Obama blamed that anti-Muslim film,  mentioning that film six times in his speech at the United Nations.    It is simply unbelievable to think that Obama was not aware of the facts of the case,  by this time.  

Forget about the car and the cliff;  think about the bus and all the people Obama has thrown under that bus,  beginning with his own grandmother.  Going after Romney,  is the last of the bodies thrown under Obama's bus.  He started with his own grandmother,  then threw his pastor under the bus.  Over the years,  he has blamed Bush dozens of time,  the economy in general,  hurricanes,  floods,  the Middle East,  Blue Dog Democrats and on and on.  

No one wonder some folks believe in him.  He never does anything wrong.  

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