Chicago's teacher union want full control of Chicago's kids, truly, a scary thought.

Karen Lewis, Union Chief Bag of Wind

Update:  we have just learned  the demands of the teachers' union have been raised from a 29% wage increase to a 35% wage increase.  Incredible.  Judging from Ms. Lewis' physical appearance,  the increase in wages is based on the anticipated cost of food in the coming years.  

<<<<   This disgusting Miss Piggy is the head of Chicago's teacher's union.  A couple of years ago,  she made the headlines with this statement,  during an on stage "performance"  at a union meeting of Chicago's finest: 

“People are impressed,” Lewis riffs. “Let me tell you, I spent those (college) years, smoking lots of weed, self-medicating, self-medicating. Thank you. Sounds like you all did, too. I’m, sorry — there are kids here. I wasn’t supposed to say that — right? Too late.” (Chicago Sun Times)     No doubt,  she graduated at the head of her class.  

Update: talk about Democrat racism,  get your brain and heart around this:  only 3 of every 100 black male students leave the Chicago school district to attend college.  

 Update #3:  Mayor Emanuel's own kids attend private school, maybe the same school the Obama kids used to attend.   What a joke.

Original text: 
This high dollar doper spent 70% of the past tax increase on her union's legacy programs,  next to nothing on the kids.  Her teachers earn an average of $76,000 before retirement for freaking life, healthcare, and vacation pay which brings their totals well above $100,000.  The taxpayers who fund this idiocy earn,  on average,  $46,000. 

On this go-around,  she has turned down a 16% pay hike over four years and refuses to sign any deal that includes testing teachers and or giving school administrators the right to fire those who suck at their job.  She originally asked for a whopping 29% wage increase over two years,  as if any of these clowns deserve anything but a pay cut.  

Understand that this is the school district to which the Obama's refused to send their own children.  

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