Headlines I am not reporting and why.

This is a story about misspent stimulus dollars in 2009.  It goes with the theme of a “crooked Administration,”  but it really is very old news.

Short of a direct hit,  this simply means that it will be raining when the GOP comes to town. 

Nothing is more racist that a story such as this. The,  author,  an angry Black Democrat (aren’t they all) decided to waste her readership’s time to discuss this story.  You will not see it mentioned again on Midknight Review.

More insider pay for play crap.  It happens so often with the Obama crowd as to have become boring. 

Dang !!  How insensitive.

Its for certain that no one in this Administration will persecute a serious investigation into this problem,  so why should I waste space on this story.  

Seriously,  any NBC poll taken at this time of year is sheer propaganda and nothing more.  

There is plenty I could write about this,  but why take the time.  I won’t say they “got what they deserved,”  butt seriously, folks,  this sort of thing cannot be a surprise to anyone.  

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