Two weeks ago, the Obama deficit was going to "only" 1.02 trillion. But . . .

Two weeks ago,  the deficit was going to be 1.02 trillion,  down from 1.3 in 2011,  and the Obama world was shouting "victory."  They did not tell you their deficit forecast for this year,  a forecast made in early 2009,  was around  $600 billion.  

Turns out,  the actual deficit  will be, at least, 1.33 trillion according to USA Today,  All that talk of a trillion dollars in cuts is so much barnyard  --  chunky style. And it all comes as some sort of a surprise.  

What a bunch of phonies. Steny Hoyer, the number 2 Democrat in the House,  made this statement, on Tuesday, ""The fact is, you don't need a budget.    We can adopt appropriations bills. We can adopt authorization policies without a budget. We already have an agreed-upon cap on spending."

Two problems:  first, annual budgets are required by law,  but if you are a Democrat, who cares about the laws you all don't like?  Secondly,  The Dems have missed three consecutive budgets.  No budgets of any kind.  They tell us we can do business passing "CR's"  or "Continuing Resolutions."

We all know that congress has been more contentious  than usual.  Want to know why?

If we all still believed in the rule of law,  we would have passed three budgets,  by now.  That means three periods of highly contentious debate,  and then,   we all move on to other battles.  Instead,  the Dems prefer the Continuing Resolution course.  Rather than three public fights over finances,  there have been 17 such fights in three years.  That's right.  Rather than just getting it over with,  as required by law,  the Dems  prefer 17 different battles.  

The resulting angst is, then,  used to condemn the system as being failed and unworkable,  followed by repeated calls to abandon the system, its Constitutional foundation,  and work for "fundamental transformation."   And that,  ladies and gentlemen has been the agenda for the past three years.  Enough !!!! 

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