Maintenance: Blog attendance records.

No one cares about this but me,  but "gettig the word out" is the primary mission of any political blogger.  Numbers tell you if your strategies are working.  Just last November,  my three blog (page) total was 10,900 for a 30 day day total.

Today,  Feb 10, 2012,  my 30 day total is 43,800 hits.  I am on track to reach over half a million pageviews for the coming year.

Understand this,  I am a carpenter (retired) attempting to develop myself as a writer.  Lots of mistakes and what have you,  but I continue to improve,   as do my numbers.

Record days:

Saturday (10/2/10): 275 (223 main page)
Saturday (12/4/20): 255 (111 on Palin Page)
Saturday 1/8/2011 : 352 (229 main page)
Saturday 4/10/11: 378 (276 main page)
Saturday 12/30/11: 1583 (947 MR, 536 Sarah; 100 Charts) new record with new new format. 

Sunday 8/29/10): 156 (109 main page hits)
Sunday: 10/3/10): 442 (362 main page hits)
Sunday: 12/5/10 : 249 (148 charts and graphs)
Sunday: 1/9/11 : 932 (823 main page hits) 
new record
Sunday: 6/12/11: 391 main page - 3rd best Sunday

Monday 8/29/10: 247 for all pages (150 for the main page alone)
Monday 10/4/10: 263 (170 for mainpage )
Monday 10/25/10: second best day ever: 255
Monday 1/10/11 : 822 for all pages ( 598 for main page) 
new record
Monday 10/31/11: 509 for main page - just on the strength of blog content.

Tuesday 9/28/10: 255 for all pages (98 main page; 97 for Palin).
Tuesday 10/27/10 -- 247 for all pages
Tuesday 12/8/10 : 246 for all pages (100 main page)
Tuesday 2/22/11 : 398 for all pages ( 272 main page)
Tuesday 6/15/11 : 571 for all pages (394 for main page) 
Tuesday 10/25/11: 357 for main page - 2nd best day to date
Tuesday 1/3/2012 : 2372  all pages (1454 mainpage; 812 Palin, 106 charts)

Wednesday 9/29/10: 196 for all pages (96 for the main page).
Wednesday 10/28/10: 231 for all pages
Wednesday 1/12/11: 329 for all pages (262 mainpage)
Wednesday 2/23/11: 332 for all pages (221 mainpage) Wednesday 4/20/11: 392 for all pages (237 main page)
Wednesday 11/23/11: 406 for all pages (306 main page)
Wednesday 6/15/11 : 533 for all pages (392 for main page)

Wednesday 1/4/2012 :  2885 all pages (1756 mainpage, 1005 Palin, 124 charts)

Thursday 9/16/10 : 178 for all 4 pages
Thursday 2/24/11: 337 for all pages (216 mainpage)

Thursday 4/14/11: 730 for all pages (461 main page) new record
Thusday 6/9/11 recorded the second best day for the main page at 318.
Thursday 10/20/11 : 460 second best day for 3 pages (316 for main page)
Thursday 1/5/12 :  2461 for all pages (1627 mainpage, 727 Palin, 107 charts)

Friday 9/10/10 : 184 for all pages (137 for main page alone)
Friday 1/7/11 : 307 for all pages.
  (its been a while)
Friday:  1/6/2012 :  2353 all pages (1481 mainpage; 757 Palin; 115 charts)

November 1 (2011) our 30 day total hit 10,002 (6308 MR/ 2094 Palin/ 1600 charts-graphs).

October 25 (2011) best 30 day total: M.R. -5813; meet sarah - 2286; chars/graphs 1531 = 9630

October 20 (2011) : best 30 month for our little blog: M.R - 5429; Meet..Palin 2539; Charts/Graphs 1424 = 9386

August (2010) was a record month for our little blog. If we count three of pages in addition to the main page, and we do, we hit 3093 for the month. What is most pleasant is the fact that we are currently running at a rate that will put us over the 4,000 mark for the month of September. Most rewarding.

January of 2011 broke all previous records for Midknight Review. The main page alone, scored 5,778 pageviews for the month. If we roll in the three pages (of 10) normally counted, our pageview total for the month was an exciting 10,377. (5778 MR; 2145 P; 2152 C & G; 302 Barth)

End of November 2011: Our 30 day total is both typical and recording setting for this blog: 909 (Palin); 7964 for MR; 331 for Barth; 2016 for Charts and Grafts totaling 11,220 for the most recent 30 day total. Note: Palin dropped from 2152 to 340 and back to 909 on the merits of her withdrawal from the presidential race, yet the over-all growth of the blog collective is great, MR (Midknight Review).
Google has 280 million blogs as of 12/25/11

Alex rating:
3rd Quarter: Global19,456,103 out of 280,000,000 Google blogs

Picked up 5.5 million ranking positions based on a better written text, along.

4th Quarter: Global 13,943,123
Revised to Global 10,163,614 (week of 12/11)
Revised to Global 10,108,451 (week of 12/29)

Global 8,147,343  (3rd week of Jan 2012) (in top 2% of 
Google blogosphere

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