If kicking a dog is "inhumane," so too is aborting a baby.

An 8 week old  fetus
Please note this unborn child is 
sucking her thumb - a human being 
complete with a fully functioning 
sense of survival. This unborn 
is 8 weeks old.

INDIANAPOLIS -- Undaunted by ridicule from the leader of his own party, an Indiana lawmaker is standing by his allegations that the Girl Scouts is a radical organization that promotes abortions and homosexuality.
The scouts and Planned Parenthood have dismissed Rep. Bob Morris' comments as absurd, as did Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma. But Morris, a Republican, told The Associated Press his critics need to do more research into the 100-year-old scouting organization.
"My family and I took a view and we're sticking by it," Morris said Tuesday, adding that his daughters were joining an alternative group for young girls run by conservative Christians. "My girls are no longer Girl Scouts. They're now going to join American Heritage Girls."

Editor's notes:  I find nothing "in error" in Bob Morris's statement.  Planned Parenthood is the radical entity,  here.  Genocide is never acceptable and Planned Parenthood superintends the abortion of 325,000 defenseless, unborn babies each year. After reading the above decision made by the Morris family,  I can only conclude that, someday,  American Heritage Girls,  will be seen as a militant group,  something to be feared and controlled.  

1 comment:

  1. This is great, keep up your attacks on women's health, contraception, and the Grl Scouts. When jobs and the economy are job #1, Republicans try to pass laws on 'personhood' and forcing women to have their vagina's probed, stands against gays. Please, keep it up, see where it gets you. I think we already are.

    Even RIGHT-leaning pollster found that likely voters see Republicans as too extreme. Calling the Girl Scouts a threat to American family values.... yea, keep it up.
