Here is what Obama just did for the housing industry:

 When you force banks to pay through the nose,  after being set up by the Administration and told to sell, sell, sell, "no matter what" (back in 2005 -2008), anyone know what comes next?  The banks  tighten credit that much more.  They will be a long time forgetting that they were played by this Administration.  In the end, this idiot mortgage bail-out will help no more than 300,000 homeowners.  And,  if they could not afford to make their payments before, well,  nothing will have changed  . . . . . . . . . . and,  if they are "upside down" on a $400,000 mortgage (as an example),  that promised $2000 reduction will mean absolutely nothing . . . . . . .  and if they are facing foreclosure ---  well,  they are not even mentioned in this bill.  

He has done this very thing before,  and it failed,  then.  File this bit of nonsense under "smoke and mirrors."

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