The only way you hold Obama responsible for his malfeasance is to vote him and his inner circle out of office.
At this point in time, today, Obama predicted that we would be at 5.7 % unemployment. Turns out, he had no clue.
His Stimulus bill of 2009, did not solve the unemployment problem because less than 5% of the trillion dollar bill went to the creation of jobs. Stimulus I was a "pay for play" bill that evened the score for those who had supported Obama and his One World minions. 3/4 of all the funds in this bill went to Democrat congressional districts. Anyone think that is right? And now, he wants to do the same thing again, with Stimulus II. It will create `1.5 million jobs or so the story goes. They do not tell you that the bulk of these jobs will be union jobs [only] three to five years from now, and "saved" teacher jobs.
Remember that scam? He makes up the term, "saved or created," a term never used before in American history, and then roles jobs "saved" into jobs "created." And teacher jobs are the perfect scenario for this deceptive nonsense. In California, teachers cannot be laid off if they have not been served advance notices called "pink slips." In Fresno Unified, hundreds of pink slips are issued each and every year. Seldom is any teacher actually dismissed, but the district has no option if it does not issue these notices. Obama has jumped on this circumstance, funneled money into the teacher union coffers, and when the teachers are "rehired," he claims the victory. It is all a lie. Understand that the $38 billion that in this new stimulus bill will go directly to the unions, to shore up their ruptured retirement programs.
His "scored" assumptions will not be any more accurate than the "scored" assumptions of the first stimulus. He brags about the "non-partisan CBO" scoring his bill. Well, the CBO scored Stimulus I and could not have been more mistaken. The CBO scored ObamaCare and now admits that its projects were, also, wrong.
Look at the chart in this post. The Man wasn't even close and, I remind you, the predictions on that chart were scored by the CBO.
What is the problem with the CBO? What most people do not know is that the CBO is limited in its projections by the numbers given to it for analysis. Obama, or whoever, gives the CBO a set of numbers known to mislead, and, sure enough, the CBO scores the numbers given to it and, sometime later, reviews it projections and confirms or denies it original work.
Finally, I remind you that Obama and Company have pumped nearly 2 trillion into their version of the jobs program. The first stimulus wound up costing a trillion, after we figure interest on that bill. Then there was a $450 billion dollar bill past three months later, a bill that actually cost closer to $600 billion. $1.6 trillion was spent before mid-summer, 2009, and unemployment soon rose to 10.1%. ObamaCare had billions hidden in it for [more] union paybacks and "jobs saved or created." Remember Pelosi telling us that "400,000 jobs will be created almost immediately" after the health care bill was signed into law. Another flat out lie.
Point of post: these economic amateurs need to stop. We can wait for 12 months, until they are gone.
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