SEIU and other Democrat Radicals working to co-opt the Occupy demonstrations.

BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters-SEIU's Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives — Radical labor organizer Stephen Lerner of SEIU intends to terrorize the families of bank executives in their homes as part of the Occupy Wall Street protests. . . .

I love it. Democrats and their minions are about to make a huge mistake, in my humble opinion. Instead of allowing the Occupy "movement" alone to run its course, they have decided to co-opt the demonstrations. As things stand, now, the demonstrations are somewhat unique to the region or city in which they are located. While most demonstrators complain against "the banks," almost none of them complain against Washington, and, even fewer have any idea how to specifically solve the problem. The demonstrations are becoming less and less coherent and their popularity with the the larger population is beginning to wane. In all this confusion, the Marxist Dems see an opportunity. Actually, I think that it is much more than "an opportunity." I believe the One Worlder leadership sees invention (aka "co-opt") as a necessity.

There is the fear that the grass roots movement will come to an end without having forced any socialist changes; enter the Marxist leadership. Understand that the difference between the two, the kids in the streets and the Marxist organizers who lurk on the sidelines, is the difference between a peaceful grass roots movement and a violence prone, well organized, Marxist centered effort that encourages social unrest as it targets individual CEO's and various corporations. It is no coincidence that days after demonstrators refused to hear Democrat speakers in Boston, SEIU comes to the rescue. Add to this Marxist mess, Labor Union leadership, and we might be seeing the beginning of the end for Occupy. Let's not forget a post I wrote, back at the beginning of this month (October) in which I quoted Van Jones, a card carrying Communist for ten years, touting "big things are coming" in October. There is no question that, at least, some of these demonstrations were in the offering for sometime and are not as "grass roots" as many are being lead to believe.

Most have forgotten the demonstrations of 1968, the most tumultuous year in modern day American history. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy were both assassinated in this year. And the Hubert Humphrey campaign (against Nixon) was derailed, in part, by a grass roots, anti war, movement that turned violent.

Governor Ed Rendell, a past Democrat governor of Pennsylvania, is suggesting that it is time for the liberal, street demonstrators to move on. He reminds his Democrat party of 1968 and the violent demonstrations that turned a certain Democrat presidential victory for Hubert Humphrey into a victory for the disgusting, Richard Nixon.

I believe the longer these demonstrations last, the more counter-productive they will become. Will evil forces turn these demonstrations into something not originally intended? That is the fear and that is my prediction. Time will tell, but our opening headline suggests that our predictions may be closer to reality than many well intentioned Democrats want.

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