Obama mouths off and has to back down, again. Laughable !!

Read this: "It is my intention to lay out a series of bipartisan proposals that the Congress can take immediately to continue to rebuild the American economy by strengthening small businesses, helping Americans get back to work, and putting more money in the paychecks of the Middle Class and working Americans, while still reducing our deficit and getting our fiscal house in order,"

What is missing? Specifics. And when will this nothing burger of a speech be given? Ah, there is the rub. The Man wanted to trump the Wednesday night GOP debates by giving the speech on the same day, at the same hour. Boehner and Obama argued about it all day, Wednesday. Boehner said "no." And, of course, Obama chickened out and moved the speech to Thursday night, on the same day and at the same time as the opening game of NFL football - a game between New Orleans and Green Bay, the last two Super Bowl champions. I am telling you, the guy is not too smart.

Will he have specifics? Of course, but they will be very similar to what we have heard before: more spending (the unions are almost out of money. After all, they got their last government fix on February 17th, 2009). Then, there is the matter of infrastructure repair. Jobs will be created, no doubt, but only for the various unions (ain't going to happen). The non-union working middle class, which is 93% of the labor force, will not be benefited at all. He wants to deregulate the patent process. Wow. Wonder how many jobs will come of that bit of genius. I bet he talks about revenue enhancement (read: "raising taxes on all those who make $100, 000 or more after paying their taxes" ---- "rich" indeed !!). He might suggest a tax break for those who will begin hiring, as if any business owner hires because he gets a tax break that lasts a year or two or three. Give me a break !!

You know he promised that his speech would embrace new ideas and a different agenda. I do not think he is capable of such mental gymnastics. Time will tell.

His budget ideas, will they have been "scored" before the speech is given? Of course not. Remember his budget of January, 2011? I do. The Senate voted it down 97 to Nothing !! That is as bad as it gets . . . . . . . . . . except for his April budget idea. The Congressional Budget Office refused to score the thing, saying "We cannot estimate a speech" or some such thing. As a result, congress never saw the bill. It just disappeared.

One thing for certain, he thinks this will be a "big deal" speech. That is why he wants to present it in a joint session of congress. That is why Reid and Boehner, both, had to give permission for the day and time. And that is why Obama will be competing with the Packers and the Saints, on Thursday night.

Guess what I will be doing that evening !! E-ha, football is back. Obama versus the Big Game. How sweet is that??!!

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