No bama is becoming a serious problem.

Dollar's Decline Speeds Up...

Honestly, where is Obama on this. Understand that the decline of the dollar is a far greater humanitarian threat than anything going on in the Middle East. So, where is Obama ?

120 shot dead in Syria over the weekend...
Remember that Libya invasion? It was for humanitarian reasons. 500 dead in Syria and where in the world is Obama? Kind of makes that whole Liberal "humanitarian" thingy a facade, do you think??

Note: the total number of civilians murdered in Syria by their government is now over 400 and Obama's spokesman, Jay Whatever, tells us that Syria is different from Libya, more strategic. Funny, but the difference escapes us. Bush branded Syria as one of the members of the "axis of evil," not Libya, and did so for good reason. Apparently, Obama knows better.

The birther issue continues to rage and where is Obama? Understand that the "birther" issue may be the least of Obama's concerns. Turns out that he has spent millions of dollars hiding more than his birth certificate. If it is on file in Hawaii, there certainly is no good reason why he does not produce the thing, but he refuses. Many believe there is information on the certification that he does not want to be made public. Ditto for his employment records, his school and college transcripts, any papers he may have written at Harvard or Chicago U. The only things we know about Obama's past are the things he wants us to know and he has spent millions to insure the opaqueness his past. That is a fact. As long as he hides from his past, he should expect folks to wonder why. We know less about Obama than any president in our history. How is that for a fact?!! Heck, we can't even find one of his students. Of course he taught at Chicago, but where are his students, extolling his greatness and bragging about the honor of having been taught by a President of the United States??

Inflation is here, but the Federal government does not count fuel prices nor food prices as it calculates inflation. Good grief. And where is Obama on this issue. Brush 43 and others before him, committed to this fraud. Obama is not the first. But look, he could expose this fraud, blame his favorite patsy (Bush), and skate away clean on this matter --- so where is Obama and why is he not trying to score points with this issue?

Most importantly, the business of being president is a full time job. In times past and with other men, the presidency was a job that demanded 18 hour days. Turns out that Obama has even redefined this job.

Unless he is campaigning, he is a 40 to 50 hour a week dude, looking forward to the evening party and being a great father. Understand that in the first 26 months of his presidency, he took 61 outings to the links. Stop and think about it, for a moment. It takes a person 4 to 5 hours to play a round of 18 holes which means, of course, that Obama took a little more than a month's worth of time, work time, to play a game. And then there is his love for round ball. How much time is spent in endeavor? No big deal if he didn't see golf as an important item, to be scheduled into his work week. His first social secretary resigned after a year with Obama. Nothing newsworthy about that except for the fact that in the article I read, detailing her time with Obama, it mentioned that she had organized and conducted 332 after hours White House parties and gatherings.

So, when I ask, "Where is Obama," as relates to his presidency, I am not kidding around. The man is not a hard working president. And, now that the nation needs leadership from the top in the worst of ways, he has decided to commit to non-stop campaigning. If "non-stop" is too broad a term for some of you, know this: the man does not have time to campaign at all. The dollar may be demoted as the world's trade currency on Obama's watch and where is the man? He has stuck our nose into Middle Eastern affairs in a way that no other president has done, and where is it getting us -- what are the long term benefits of this action? He tour South America back in the days of his Apology Tour and followed that up with what? Answer: absenteeism. That tour built no bridges and now, he is now in Columbia and Brazil trying to build diplomatic bridges by promising to being their number one trading partner. Diplomacy based on "we want to be your number one customer" is nothing more than the solutions of a man who cares not for the exceptional nature of this country. He is selling us down the river and [perhaps] not for ideological reasons. Maybe, just maybe, it is because he does not know what else to do !!!!


  1. Birther... your a joke.
    You've just been proven a fool.

  2. Not me, Dufus. I only wanted him to show the darn thing. Why did it take three years????

    And why did Chris Matthews at MSNBC ask for Obama to break out the certificate? Got an answer for that question, moron.

    Obama is the one who made this a big deal. The joke is on him. Trump says, Show us the money, and Obama says , yes massa, yes massa. What a joke.

    He has been played the fool by Trump and you all don't know it.
