Best Headline of the Month if not the Year. It involves Julius "Pretty Boy" Genachowski and Matt Drudge.

Understand that this young Marxist punk is the Chairman of the FCC, Julius "Pretty Boy" Genachowski'.

Because of a successful internal vote (3-2), he has just ordered the FCC/FTC entities to establish regulations designed to control the internet. It is our understanding [from early reports] that the FCC intends to channel all bloggers to its administration, making it a requirement that each apply for permission to blog and that this permission be issued from the Federal Government and its parrot agencies, the FCC and/or the FTC.

Our favorite Liberation Marxist, Barack Obama, defends this decision by arguing that these regulations will insure freedom of the Internet, that this process guarantees free access to the world wide web.

Sounds good (?). Geeeesh.

Understand that this "free" unregulated access is for the consumer only . . . . the surfer/researcher of the Internet. It is not "free" and unregulated access if you are a web-site owner, a blogger or political pundit. These folks, will need to apply to the Feds for permission to speak out on issues. Undoubtedly, this will eventually cost site owners/managers money and they run the risk of being cut off without notice, as is often the case now, if they use words or phraseology that is deemed "unacceptable" to the Federal Government.

If you do not see the problem, you are either Shepard Smith of FoxNews or an unmitigated political moron.

Soooo, from our perspective, Julius Genachowski is a traitor. The award winning headline celebrates Genachowski's siezure of the internet, a move that violates the second amendment and is clearly an anti-free speech move on the part of those currently in power. A Washington Federal District Court of Appeals has already told the FCC it does not have this power. But who, in the Democrat Party, cares about a Court decision or the will of the people?

The good news in all this Marxist crap is this: the incoming congress has 60 days to investigate this FCC decision. At the end of that period of time, it can pass a Resolution of Disapproval. Finally, it can chose to refuse funding for this atrocity.

All of the above is the "set-up" for our choice of "Best Headline of the Month" Although this is a WSJ article, the headline , apparently, is one generated by Matt Drudge. Here is the award winning headline:

When you click on the hyperlink immediately above, you will find a different headline, one that is of the WSJ's creation, thus, our award being given to Matt Drudge.

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