Finally, the truth about Joe Sestak. The bribe was a non-paying, temporary position ! And cows fly and my mother-in-law still has all her teeth !

This is what Obama and Company would have us to believe about the Sestak bribery case: Rahm Emanuel went to Billy Bob Clinton and asked him to be a grunt man for Obama. Rahm's discussion with Clinton went something like this, "Obama wants you to be his grunt man. Why you and not me ? I haven't a clue. But he wants you to offer Sestak a non-paying temporary position if he will drop out of the race against Specter. How's THAT for a great idea from one of the nation's leading intellectuals? Will you do it for Obama, will you ?"

If you have had to work during the past several days, you might not know what we are talking about. It seems that Representative Sestak was asked, late last summer, to step down from his challenge to Arlen Specter's run for the Democrat nomination for Senator. In February, Sestak revealed, for the first time, that a job offer had been made if he would leave off his challenge to Specter's campaign. Sestak made that statement but refused to offer any other facts until "after the White House had spoken on the subject." After he beat Specter in the Democrat primary two weeks ago, he was asked again, about this matter. He confirmed that he had been asked, that an offer of a job had been presented and that he would have nothing else to say until after the White House had spoken.

Yesterday (May 28), the White House released a statement: Bill Clinton made the offer. His comments to Sestak were only probative and no money was involved. Hours later, Sestak spoke having been advised of these talking points and ended his three month silence. Shazzzzam !! The White House was correct, according to Sestak, and that in the end of matter.

In review:

The bribe was a non paying part-time position and Bill Clinton was Obama's grunt man ??!!! Anybody believe that?! So why didn't Rahm Emanuel make this rather ridiculous but innocuous offer ? And when did Obama and Clinton become such good friends ? And why did it take three months for this explanation to come to light ? And why did Sestak refuse to give a single detail until after the White House had spoken ? Does no one think it strange that Obama has lunch with Bill Clinton one day before the official White House statement is released? Let's not forget that Obama has broken every major campaign promise since being elected [ it's called "lying" ] ; that he comes from Chicago where lying and corruption are more pronounced than in any other city in the nation, bar . . . . . . none and, that he lives in a world (the Democrat Caucus) where lawlessness is the prevailing opinion.

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