How safe are we when those in charge of counterterrorism activity do not understand Islam ??

The man in the video is our deputy antiterrorism chief, John Brennan. He gave the speech on February 13, 2010 at a public forum co-hosted by the White House Office of Public Engagement and the Islamic Center at New York University.

We are working on finding the translation of his first remarks in this video.

What is spoken in plain English is troublesome enough, however.

But I did spend time as an undergraduate at the American University in Cairo in the 1970s. And time spent with classmates from Egypt, from Jordan, from Palestine, and around the world who taught me that whatever our differences of nationality or race or religion or language, there are certain aspirations that we all share: to get an education. To provide for our families. To practice our faith freely. To live in peace and security. And during a 25-year career in government, I was privileged to serve in positions across the Middle East -- as a political officer with the State Department and as a CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their duty as custodians of the two holy mosques of Mecca and Medina. I marveled at the majesty of the Hajj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims by making that privilege -- that pilgrimage. And in all my travels, the city I have come to love most is Al-Quds -- Jerusalem, where three great faiths come together.

The expressed opinion of Brennan that it is a tenet of Islam that men, everywhere, are to practice their "faith freely" is as preposterous a statement as can be found. This editor has a friend, a missionary of sorts in one of the Middle Eastern nations. It is Arab Muslim. She is Christian and is "free" to do what she does - she is a mental health counselor. She has cautioned all of her friends, however, that her mail is censored and great harm could come to her if letters sent to her are of a critical nature. Midknight Review has a huge mailing list. She is not on that list. It is clear that my friend is not free. In fact, there are no Muslim nations that practice free and open religious expression. What Brennan says in this speech, imbibes the worst kind of deception. The notion that Islam is content with co-existence is a flat out lie and it is in this fact, that the danger of Islam is so great. Those who disagree have simply not read the Koran or listened to the fanatic jihadist population that drives militant Islam.

Near the end of the video quote, Brennan, speaking in English, chooses to use the Arabic word for "Jerusalem" -- al Quds. The appeasers on the Left defend this usage arguing that Brennan was talking to Arab students, that the Muslim name for Jerusalem is perfectly understandable in light of his audience. Nonsense. If he intends to honor his Muslim audience, why not give the entire speech in Arabic ?? The Appeasers forget that Brennan, at this point, is speaking in English. The English word for the Holy City is Jerusalem, not al Quds. His decision to interject a Muslim name for Jerusalem flies in the face of the American Jew and serves warning to Israel that this Administration has taken a pro-Muslim stance to the troublesome issue of Israeli/Palestinian peace.

Our readership should know that both Obama and Brennan have very different opinions concerning Hamas and Hisbullah than did Bush or Clinton. Each of the two organizations were considered terrorist organizations until the advent of these two stooges. Brennan has openly praised Hizbullah and Obama has given Hamas nearly one billion dollars to reconstruct damaged housing in Gaza -- and of course, none of that money will be used to purchase missiles and fund the war effort against Israel.

It is no wonder that Obama has lost 48% of the American Jewish vote. In fact, an internal poll taken of the Israeli people shows that only 6% of that country's population believes Obama is "on their side." These two American leaders are playing with an open flame and threaten the safety of us all. We have said many times in the past and we say it again, before Obama leaves office, he just might get us all killed --- jds.

See what Israel National News has to say about Brennan in this related article.

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