Well, there it is, to our left and we do mean Left, --- the latest tribute to ignorant sounding rhetoric and the classless act of, yet, another Socialist Democrat.
This time, the Lefties are out to commemorate the "Mr. President, this is a big f . . . g deal" comment of Joey Biden as he whispered into one of the big ears of Barry, the Boisterous Baphoone, playing Marxist games in our White House.
And the Left loves it. The shirt memorializing this gutter comment went on the market yesterday and sold out within hours. Understand that here-in lies one of several critical differences between the two political persuasions.
On the Left, we have a movement that was born out of a pornographic fever some called "free love," a godless collection of youthful existentialists with no greater world view than, well, the world in which they were living. Rebellion in general, has been the theme of this bunch of Woodstock Losers since the 1960's. They have been so busy with saving the planet, that they now have in place the very restrictions that may prevent them from being ultimately successful.
While Biden speaks the language of the streets - we all do from time to time - his side of the aisle has decided to rub victory (their ascent to power and their uncontrollable misuse of same) into the face of the opposition. They are laughing at the Right.
They have spent the past 40 years taking over our public schools, destroying our religious freedoms, our rights to free speech and public discourse, and subverting the foundational principles that made America what it is today. They are leeches with no sense of originality and so, they gather around the altar of Mao or Marx or, Themselves, making themselves busy ruining the good ideas of others.
The ultimate insult is seen on shirts such as the one to the right. Since originality is beyond their intellectual abilities, they confiscate the symbols of Christianity and use them to make their godless argument.
We have watched for years. Now is the time for change. The War of 1812 will hold no candle to the political war of 2012. That is the year the backs are broken for one of the two sides in this epic battle for the direction of the great country. See you at the ballot box, my leettle friends. -- jds
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